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29 US States Have Confirmed Omicron Variant Cases, Most Among Vaccinated

By Zachary Stieber

Ohio and Rhode Island on Saturday became the 28th and 29th states to report cases of the Omicron virus variant.

Ohio officials said two cases were detected, both of which were among persons who were fully vaccinated more than six months ago.

Rhode Island officials confirmed one case. The patient is fully vaccinated and recently returned from New York.


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One Comment

  1. grannie annie grannie annie December 12, 2021

    Greek letter Omicron is zero, nothing, a dash, zilch, code for “long covid” produced by the vax… that will now getcha! When this years flu bug hits (n it is here) it’s game over. But it’s “long covid” in you, in
    less than .01 % of the pop. had original covid, that’s causing the problem of “long covid”.. yet all will be dying from “long covid”. Oh, but Covid is still lurking inside those who had it n did not know it! Most people today are very unhealthy from compromised food, air, n water, the necessities of life out of ignorance. Come on folks they got ya every which way but loose! Deaths now, most are vaxed, is climbing now everyday? 200% more deaths in our territory in 4 months from 41 in 18 mo to 131 now in 4 mo, n climbing daily since vaxxed is 90% of 12+ pop. Come on? 50% deaths are double vaxed elderly with unrepairable compromized immune systems.. yet as a healthy elderly myself (80), n all my elderly friends have built up good immune systems with vitamins n minerals etc.., we are the last of the healthy generations cause we refused the flue shots, n took care of ourselves as taught. Those of us that took the flu shots built up our immune systems, when we are now told is impossible for compromised elderly to do so by the so called “experts”. Most elderly have weakened immune systems from life style n drugs, ignorant of boosting immunity! Yes – some of us healthy had colds but breezed thru them with not a day in bed) Look around, take notice, wake up! Talk to healthy people, ask questions, read up on immune boosting products, n foods. Look after yourself! Stop this nonsense now! It is not getting getter, but worse because we are following the Pied Piper!

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