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AZ Customs and Border Patrol discover ‘new version’ of ‘rainbow’ fentanyl pills

By Sara Carter Staff


Parents are being warned that a new pill which contains the deadly fentanyl drug are making its rounds to children disguised as candy, or ‘rainbow’ pills. Terrifyingly, the cartels and drug makers continue to be emboldened and clever in harming our youth.

Customs and Border Patrol Port Director Michael Humphries tweeted a photo of the colorful and enticing looking pills with the caption:

“CBP officers at the Nogales POE discovered a new version of ‘rainbow’ fentanyl pills not encountered before. Approx 413,000 fentanyl pills were seized. 44,000 of those had the rainbow colors combined in each pill. 7.4 lbs fentanyl powder,14.4 lbs heroin was also seized.”



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