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Bud Light and the Trans Marxist Culture War

Bud Light and the Trans Marxist Culture War
Bud Light and the Trans Marxist Culture War


By The Anti-New York Times


The hornets’ nest of Conservative Inc. is furiously buzzing over the recent Bud Light promotional ad featuring a cross-dressing internet “influencer” named Dylan Mulvaney. The loud backlash — featuring conservative country / rock singer ‘Kid Rock” machine-gunning cans of Bud Light in a video — stands in stark contrast to the spanked-ass ‘resistance” to the slow march of the homosexual agenda from years past.

Dating back to the 1980s, every time the Jewish-backed LGBT Mafia took a step “forward” toward Sodom & Gomorrah, the dopey denizens of Conservative Inc. would whine about it for a while, but ultimately capitulate and, in football parlance, yield a “first down and ten” before regrouping to meekly defend against the next inevitable advance of cultural Marxism. But this time around, one must admit, that it is pleasantly surprising to see our de-balled cousins on the not-as-far-right firmly holding the line against Team Frankfurt‘s trannie mania targeted at children and young people.

From the article:

“The criticism of Bud Light, amid other complaints about brand partnerships with transgender people, comes as Republican state lawmakers are proposing legislation that seeks to regulate the lives of young transgender people, restrict drag shows in a way that could include performances by transgender people, and require schools to out transgender students to their parents.






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