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Democratic Senators to Joe Biden: Dude, Stop Screwing Up Out There

By Matt Vespa 


Donald Trump drawing such an intense reaction from liberals could be the only positive thing about Joe Biden’s 2024 prospects. Sure, he’ll raise plenty of money as an incumbent, but what about voter enthusiasm and fears of that much-discussed third-party run that could siphon key voters, especially in suburban areas, away from Joe Biden? We’re in a period where there’s so much time that people can ponder and panic at will. What is clear is that Biden might be among the weakest incumbents to seek a second term.

Don’t bring up the Obama factor. Obama had poor numbers and didn’t start that hot in his 2012 re-election, but Obama has political skills—Biden does not. Obama was also significantly younger, and Mitt Romney is not Donald Trump. If anything, Biden’s now-daily struggles with his age, physical ability, and mental cognition could drag his numbers even lower. And before Republicans get excited about that, remember that Pennsylvania elected a stroke-ridden man to serve as a US Senator because the other guy was seen as too much of a Trump acolyte…


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