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Democrats Believe Minorities Who Voted for Trump ‘Too Stupid to Know Better’

Seth Griffin

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Charlotte, NC — In a variety of fields and arenas, organization is paramount.  As someone who has extensive education and manufacturing experience, the concept of 5s and Lean is not new.  Essentially, 5s boils down to the following:  “A place for everything and everything in its place.”

Democrats have a similar mindset when it comes to people “stepping out” of social and societal norms, especially when it comes to politics.  Essentially, whenever minority members stray from the demanded alignment there must be a “problem” with that individual or small group defiantly and bravely walking against the grain.

The 2020 election has led to the fog-enshrined fiasco we had all anticipated.  There have been some good news to enjoy in some of the numbers glaring in the returns.  For one, the idiotic and quixotic ‘Never Trump’ crowd was completely repudiated.  However, the worst Republican is still better than the best Democrat.

The group that  declared they would stifle Republican support of the man saw him receive 7 million more votes over 2016 with a HIGHER percentage of GOP votes.  Also, fun has been the hysterics from the Left over the amount of minority votes Trump has enjoyed and, quite frankly, has earned.

Democrats did not take the Senate like they thought they might.  Additionally, they lost a number of seats in the House and they didn’t fair well in the State legislatures either as they turned redder.  When looking over the analytics, the explanation for that minority support defies their emotion-laced logic. They’re dumbfounded.

Think about it.  They spent years calling President Trump an immigrant-hating, child separating, Mexicans are raptists and murders xenophobe, how could he get more Latino votes?!  Additionally, after a year of racist Black Lives Matter, Inc. protests how could his After a year of Black Lives Matter protests how could Trump support for Trump from POC communities actually grow?!  Don’t forget, Democrats think they are permanent occupiers of the ‘Moral High ground’ and they control the narrative.

Democrats have arrived at their conclusion:  Those minority voters are stupid.

This was validated with messaging in South Florida.  President Trump made huge gains in this mostly deep blue county, Miami Dade, and that was the result of significant Latino support.  Democrats and the press were worried.  They knew this was a reality prior to the election, attributing to the internal polling they saw to conspiracies the Trump campaign was drawing up in the market.

Dems blamed Qanon misinformation confusing the Latinos, and smear tactics being broadcast on Spanish language radio, because these Cubans, you see, are so easily duped by such tactics.  Their arrogance is appalling and disgusting.


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