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Depths Of Depravity: Gay Parents Pressure Surrogate to Kill Baby After Her Cancer Diagnosis

By Ken Ham


It’s hard to imagine the depths of depravity involved in the utterly heartbreaking story I am about to tell you. All I can do is cry out against such evil along with the Psalmist, “O Lord, God of vengeance, O God of vengeance, shine forth!” (Psalm 94:1). I know we aren’t as bad yet in society, but it’s accounts like this that really do make me feel as if we are living in days like Noah where “every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). Now for the account.

All of the details I am providing below are pulled from the following sources: this The Federalist article, an Allie Beth Stuckey interview with the woman involved, and an interview with The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network with the woman involved.

Here’s the horrifying story: a 37-year-old woman named Brittany Pearson was hired by two gay men to serve as their surrogate so they could have a baby. The pregnancy journey, however, did not go as planned when, in her second trimester, Brittany was unexpectedly diagnosed with breast cancer. The baby’s intended “fathers” then began pressuring Brittany to abort the “fetus,” as they called their “son”.

Now why would these two men want their baby aborted? Because “they didn’t want a baby who would be born prematurely, and who may have serious medical needs.” Suddenly, when having a child would require great sacrifice, these men didn’t want the baby anymore but would rather have him killed to avoid a baby born prematurely or with medical needs. How horrifying!

Now the surrogate mother did not want an abortion—even though her own life was at risk in this situation! She says,

The first thing I thought after I was diagnosed was I want to keep this baby safe and bring it earthside . . . I would have been there, I would have given him every chance of survival. I had people ready to help.

Initially the doctors believed they could give Brittany a chemotherapy regime that would allow the baby to grow in her womb until at least 34 weeks, possibly longer, and then be delivered. Babies at 34 weeks are considered “late preterm” and have a very high survival rate. And yet, even with this very positive prognosis for their child, the “fathers” ultimately wanted an abortion. They wanted their baby born no sooner than 38–39 weeks (which, as any parent who has had a baby knows, is a ridiculous expectation—there is so much in pregnancy you can’t control!). After much persuasion from the doctors, they finally agreed to wait and see, as long as the hospital promised they wouldn’t deliver the baby early…


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