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False prophet? Pope Francis hosts bizarre drag queen-like circus performance in creepy reptilian-shaped Vatican Hall

It was a celebration of all things strange, sexual and satanic at the Roman Catholic religion’s Vatican Hall on January 8. Pope Francis reportedly invited a group known as “Aqua Circus,” Europe’s response to “Cirque du Soleil,” to dance around on stage and pay homage to the reptile “jesus” idol perched up in a display behind him.

During this postlude to Rome’s General Audience event, Francis tossed a hula hoop to the “artists” in the performance troupe who were acting out a tale about a mermaid and a man under the sea trying to fight contamination of the ocean. In other words, the purpose of the show was to offer worship to Francis’ god of global warming and climate change.

In the below video footage, watch as creepy Francis smirks with satisfaction at the pagan performance happening right in front of him. And keep in mind that Vatican Hall itself is shaped like a giant serpent, both inside and out (pictures of Vatican Hall are available at Now The End Begins):

For more related news about the false religion of Roman Catholicism, be sure to check out and

Is Pope Francis the false prophet eagerly awaiting his antichrist’s rise from the ashes?

As you’ll notice, the overtly satanic imagery was everywhere at this spectacle. Besides the shape and design of Vatican Hall, which is clearly meant to resemble a snake – think Garden of Eden if you’re missing the insinuation, here – the dancers, which looked like a bunch of ambiguously adorned drag queens, further represent the new race of genderless, sexless cyborg beings that will populate the New World Order.


One Comment

  1. Mary Beth Patterson Mary Beth Patterson January 23, 2020

    I have been to a Papal audience with Pope John Paul II some 25 years ago. This is an awesome REVERANT occasion. This current Pope is clearly off track. I watch a lot of EWTN & he does a lot of things correctly, but blessing the Pachamama last October and this circus is WAY OVER THE LINE!
    As for seeing that Pier Luigi Nevi must have gone in one eye-ball and out the other. Satan loves this stuff and such behavior.

    For the past 6 months we have been saying the following prayer after the Gospel, Homly and Prayers of the Faithful…every Mass.
    “…Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell Satan and other evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. Amen” (Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903).

    Nothing like spiritual warfare…prayer power to aid us through all the mess everywhere!!!

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