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GOP Rep Trolls Biden, Harris During Speech With ‘Space Blanket’ Used by Illegals

By Leisa Audette

Republican Lauren Boebert is a fearless representative from Colorado who has gotten creative in her protests against the rogue Biden agenda. Last night, she pulled out a ‘space blanket’ used by illegals in detention to call attention to the crisis at the border.

The problem is that after Biden claimed Harris was in charge of the border crisis, Harris has been MIA and has done nothing to help the situation. She has dodged every question presented to her about the devastation and mounting problems with overcrowding at detention centers. These people don’t care about the drugs, rape, human trafficking, and other criminal behavior happening at the border. If they did, they would do something. As it is right now, they’ve done nothing but let illegals go wherever they want to in America.
As predicted last night, during his hour-long speech, Biden didn’t address the invasion of illegals from all over the globe who are now spreading out across America with no court date in sight. He gave no solution but does he even want a solution? In the past, he’s said he doesn’t recognize borders, and he wants an “unrelenting stream of immigrants”… (See video below)

Rep. Boebert unfurled the blanket during Biden’s speech and sat with it on her lap and then next to her:

For everyone confused about Biden’s inaction at the border, it’s great to know that he’s sold his soul to the far-left open borders activists. Over the years, he went from a border hawk to an open borders candidate. If he cared about the American people, he would have acted on closing the border. The problem is that he’s putting himself before everyone by doing everything he can to stay in the political grift.

In a 2006 interview with NBC’s Chris Matthews, Joe Biden argued against amnesty for illegal immigrants and said: “they got to learn to speak English.”

Joe Biden is like all the other politicians…he’s a flip-flopper.

In the video below from 2019, Biden spoke about globalism and how great it is when he said, ” I respect no borders…and cannot be contained by any walls.”

We believe Joe because he said in 2015 he wants an unrelenting stream of immigration:

In February of 2015, Joe Biden opened his mouth and spilled the beans, telling exactly what the Democrats have planned for Americans.

Please listen to what Biden said in 2015 and what Sue Payne revealed about Obama’s plan for a “New America.”

This plan puts Americans last and the third worlders they’ve been importing first. It’s a plan to redistribute wealth by importing poor migrants via immigration or refugee resettlement. The globalist agenda…

These initial “new Americans” are to be used as “seedlings” in the construction of a “country within a country.

Yes, Joe Biden wants an “unrelenting stream of immigration” that will make “Caucasians like me” the minority. And that’s a “good thing” (February 2015)

He raised his hand at the Democratic debates to say he’d give healthcare to illegals, but now he’s trying to backpedal and rephrase what he said. In true Biden style, he dug a deeper hole for himself!

In an interview that aired with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, Biden backpedaled, but if you read between the lines, he hasn’t changed his position at all.

Biden said that illegals “need to have a means by which they can be covered when they’re sick,” but he doesn’t want to call it what it is…free healthcare for illegals! Then he said something unbelievable! He wants to start “building more clinics around the country” so that illegals can have healthcare “when they’re sick when they’re ill.”

Transcript from the exchange:

CUOMO: “On health care, do you believe that undocumented people should have health care in this country?”

Instead of a yes or no answer, you get this:

BIDEN: “I think undocumented people need to have a means by which they can be covered when they’re sick. And so the idea that’s what I think you should be doing by building more clinics around the country, not just for undocumented but for other people when they’re ill when they’re sick. People need — that’s just common decency.

We’re pretty sure that’s a strong yes answer, but Biden wants to use political jargon and shaming to get voters to agree with him. Why should legal American taxpayers pay for illegal alien healthcare?


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