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No, AOC, Jesus Was Not a ‘Palestinian’


Leftists generally know nothing about Jesus Christ and care even less, but around this time of year, they find it useful to invoke him, particularly as a prop to support their latest pet causes and buttress their propaganda. And so we have now been treated to the spectacle of that most thoughtful and learned of our elected representatives, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Would You Like A Lime With That?), informing us that Jesus was from a family of “Jewish Palestinians.”

It simply won’t do, you see, for leftists to acknowledge Jesus as what he really was, a Jew, for if they did, their sharply rising antisemitism would render him useless as a stick with which to beat Christians and patriots. If Jew-haters say Jesus was a Jew, they can hardly turn around and try to invoke his moral authority to justify their perspectives and proclivities. And so Jesus must become a Palestinian, one of the left’s favorite victim classes, and one leftists have loved with a special ardor ever since the Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023.

In line with this, New York Jewish Week reported Wednesday that AOC’s Christmas message drew “parallels between Jesus’ persecutors and present-day Israel.” The erudite Bronx theologian informed the witless millennials who hang on her every word that Jesus was born in “modern-day Palestine” at a time when the ruling government perpetrated “a massacre of innocents.” If you think this peculiar retelling of the Christmas story is wholly and solely designed to get you to hate Israel and support the Palestinian jihad against the Jewish state, that’s only because you’re right.

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