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PARENTS OUTRAGED After 6-Year-Old Boy Labeled ‘Transphobic’ By School For Being Confused by ‘Gender Fluid’ Student

By Amber Crawford


A six-year-old boy from England was pulled out of school by his parents in 2017 after being warned by the headmaster that he was in danger of being labeled “transphobic”, and the parents are now calling for a judicial review of the Department of Education.

The young boy was confused by a classmate’s “gender fluidity” after the male student showed up to school wearing a dress. After expressing this confusion, a letter was written home to his parents, Sally and Nigel Rowe, alerting them of the potential for their son to be deemed transphobic.

Following this incident, which took place back in 2017, the Rowe’s pulled their son from the Church of England school and decided to homeschool him instead.



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