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Popular Libs of TikTok Account LOCKED OUT of Twitter for EXPOSING Transgender Children’s Surgeries [VIDEO]

By Jesse Martin


Popular Libs of TikTok account locked out by Twitter over “hateful conduct” for exposing children’s hospitals performing transgender surgeries

The popular Libs of TikTok Twitter account, which is dedicated to exposing radical left psychosis and the grooming of our youth, has once again been locked out of Twitter–this time potentially forever.

Libs of TikTok has exposed countless cases of teachers being groomers, leftists advocating for such obscenities as child sex transitions and pedophilia and more. Most recently, the account has been exposing doctors and children’s hospitals such as the Boston Children’s Hospital, which have been performing barbaric acts of mutilation on so-called transgender children. Mastectomies, hysterectomies, vaginoplasty, and more–all aimed at and performed on minors who legally cannot even get a tattoo without parental consent.

For exposure of the truth behind the liberal agenda, Twitter has once again locked Libs of TikTok out of their account citing “hateful conduct” and violation of “community standards.”



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