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For decades, multibillionaire George Soros has been quietly bringing down world governments.
He is now targeting the United States.
By Michael S. Coffman, Ph.D.

George Soros has been called a God-hating atheist, a self-hating Jew, a capitalism-hating socialist, and an America-hating globalist. That is just the beginning. He supports euthanasia, legalizing drugs, socialism, and global governance.  He opposes free enterprise (even though that is how he gained his wealth), Israel (even though he is Jewish), and U.S. sovereignty. He describes himself as leaning towards Marxism.

Soros learned how to manipulate people and events early in life (see “Early Child-hood” sidebar). His actions are destructive, yet he admits he feels no remorse. He claims to believe he is actually helping the people he harms because he is punishing the evil government that created their poverty. He funds hundreds of progressive (see “Progressive Ideology” sidebar) activist organizations and has stated publicly that he has messianic tendencies.

With a net worth estimated at $11 billion, Soros is worth more than the gross domestic product of three-quarters of all nations in the world. He helped to bring down the Russian government in the late 1990s. He is famously known as “the man who broke the Bank of England” by shorting the British pound in October 1992. The international banking community now calls
it Black Wednesday. Soros brags about making a billion or more dollars by crashing the Bank of England, and says it is fun to bring down entire nations that he labels repressive, based on his “Marxist ideology.” He even chuckled about it in an April 10, 2008, interview with TV talk-show host Charlie Rose.

Soros was accused of collapsing the national currency of Malaysia in 1997. Years later Soros denied this, but at the time it was reported he had casually justified his actions by saying that if he hadn’t speculated with the Malaysian currency, someone else would have.

Soros wants to devalue the dollar and see it replaced as the world’s reserve currency with a new currency system. In the Rose interview, Soros referred to the reserve status of the dollar in the past tense, as if its demise was already a done deal. He told the Financial Times in October 2009 that “an orderly decline of the dollar is actually desirable,” even though Americans would suffer if it were to happen. The U.S. dollar did indeed begin to decline again in 2010 after a brief increase in 2008-2009, although it is doubtful Soros had much to do with it.

If the world no longer used the dollar as the world reserve currency, the demand for dollars would evaporate and there would be a glut of dollars in the world. Its value would plummet and result in high inflation or, worse, hyperinflation. If the latter happened, Americans would have to carry their money in wheelbarrows as happened in the Weimar Republic after World War I. That economic turmoil provided the catalyst for Adolf Hitler’s rise to power in Germany.

The resulting crash would make the Great Depression seem like a minor economic problem. It is exactly what Soros has been forecasting. In a January 2012 interview with Newsweek, he said: “We are facing an extremely difficult time, comparable in many ways to the 1930s, the Great Depression. We are facing now a general retrenchment in the developed world, which threatens to put us in a decade of more stagnation, or worse.” He went on to say: “The best-case scenario is a deflationary environment. The worst-case scenario is a collapse of the financial system.”

Deflation is highly unlikely, however, with the multiple trillions of dollars and euros the U.S. Federal Reserve and European Central Bank are now printing out of thin air. In the Rose interview, Soros even implied that, “the status of the dollar as the reserve currency is now in doubt because willingness to hold dollars is now reduced.” And in his 10th book, “Financial Turmoil in Europe and the United States,” Soros wrote that the global flight from the weakened dollar will have “far-reaching political consequences and raise the specter of a breakdown in the prevailing world order.”

It is unlikely that Soros could collapse the dollar by himself. Nonetheless, he has consistently shown that he can take advantage of economic instability to make billions, while causing the collapse of whatever currency he attacks. And, right now, Soros isn’t the only one calling for the demise of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. During his U.S. visit the week of Jan. 24, 2011, Chinese President Hu said that the U.S. dollar should no longer be used as the world’s reserve currency because of America’s growing debt.

China now appears to be trying to make that happen. Although little has been said in the media, China is now attacking the U.S. dollar by buying as much of the world’s gold (and gold mines) as possible to back up the yuan. It is obvious to a growing number of respected financial analysts that the likely outcome of China’s attempt to corner the market on gold is to weaken, then replace the U.S. dollar with its own yuan as the world’s reserve currency.

China’s attack on the dollar is in play right now but will take years to accomplish, and much can happen along the way. The question is what Soros will do to take advantage of it. The only thing the Federal Reserve knows how to do in recent years is to print more dollars—trillions of them. That, of course, will weaken the dollar further to attack by China or Soros or both.

Soros has admitted that he has historically brought down nations and currencies by destabilizing the nation, currency or both using his vast army of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) as a “shadow government” to create what he calls “subversive activities.” This is the same strategy used by the Marxists to spread communism since World War I.

More recently, radical socialists Richard Cloward and Frances Piven at Columbia University went even further by articulating this strategy in a 1966 article, “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty,” in The Nation. Saul Alinsky expanded the strategy even more by writing “Rules for Radicals,” which he dedicated to Lucifer.

Now known as the Cloward-Piven Strategy, it took off like wildfire after the 1960s among the progressive liberals. Cloward and Piven and Alinsky called for creating a massive movement to force the rest of society to do what they demand and accept their agenda—the collapse of capitalism. It is the strategy that has been used in almost all civil-unrest activities since the early 1970s. The strategy was used effectively in New York City, causing it to declare bankruptcy in 1975. It is the same strategy being used right now by numerous Soros-funded NGOs. One of those efforts was Occupy Wall Street (OWS).

The mainstream media’s portrayal of OWS was nothing more than a disorganized group of grassroots people who were dissatisfied with bankers and the rich. While most protesters looked disorganized and didn’t have a clue why they were participating, OWS was, in fact, well funded and coordinated to give that very appearance. Some of the money came from thousands of small
donors, but Soros funded OWS’s organization through a host of radical NGOs.

The Tides Foundation and the Alliance for Global Justice were the primary conduits. Soros has given Tides Foundation more than $24 million since 1998 for radical activism, and $3.5 million between 2007 and 2009 alone. Adbusters Media Foundation was the front organization for OWS. Adbusters is a Canadian NGO and publishes an ad-free anti-consumer magazine. It also published a full-color newspaper for OWS.

Television- and radio-host Glenn Beck did a series of programs on Soros to expose the network of anti-American NGOs he funded or manipulated. Beck’s research found that Soros even funds media groups like the liberal Huffington Post and National Public Radio. In late 2010, Soros donated a million dollars to the leftist Media Matters to attack Fox News in general and Glenn Beck in particular by targeting their advertisers. Many observers believe these attacks eventually forced Fox to terminate Beck’s contract in summer 2011. Media Matters also takes credit for the firing of Lou Dobbs from CNN.

Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller discovered that “Media Matters has been in regular contact with political operatives in the Obama administration. According to visitor logs, on June 16, 2010, [Media Matters founder and head David] Brock and then-Media Matters president Eric Burns traveled to the White House for a meeting with Valerie Jarrett, arguably the president’s closest adviser….
Media Matters also began a weekly strategy call with the White House.” These weekly conferences continue today. This is strong evidence that the White House is actively supporting efforts to destroy Obama’s critics. It is as explosive as Watergate; yet, the mainstream media barely mentioned it when the story broke.


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