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We Think We’re Free. Newsflash: We’re Not

We Think We’re Free. Newsflash: We’re Not
We Think We’re Free. Newsflash: We’re Not

By Vince Coyner

Unconstitutional vax mandates have given Americans a glimpse into the control the government has—or thinks it has over our lives. But few have any idea how much the government is involved with their everyday lives. Most of us get up, go to work, and come home without the government ostensibly telling us when to do this or what we must feed our kids or when we must go to bed. We think we’re free, but we’re not. Just because stormtroopers aren’t standing in every doorway of your house doesn’t mean the government’s not there. It is in a million different ways, invisible by design, and often the stormtroopers are implied.

Not sure? Let’s take a journey of a day in the life of a typical American.

You wake up at 5:00. You’re literally lying on the embodiment of one of the most famous government rules—your mattress. The government footprint is found on the tag that famously says: “This tag may not be removed under penalty of law except by the consumer.”


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