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Exclusive — Tim Scott on Left’s ‘Culture of Grievance’: ‘I Destroy that Lie,’ Will Lift Americans Up with ‘Made in America Agenda’



NORTH CHARLESTON, South Carolina — Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) told Breitbart News exclusively at his presidential campaign launch on Monday that his personal story eviscerates the leftist “lie” that “if you’re black or you’re brown, your future is grievance not greatness.” Scott also laid out his plans to lift up Americans who are struggling economically with a “Made in America Agenda” that he highlighted during his speech.

“I am the scariest proposition for the left: An African American conservative who has lived the American dream,” Scott said in an interview after his presidential campaign launch speech. “The truth of my life literally disproves their lies. Joe Biden and the radical left, they have literally attacked every single rung on the ladder that helped me climb. So, they create this culture of grievance where they tell kids today in schools all over America that if you’re black or you’re brown, your future is grievance not greatness. I destroy that lie. I didn’t come up with a silver spoon — just a plastic one. So having a chance to share how this country and a good family made this possible — if it can happen for me, it can happen for all of us. So my goal is to share the good news of America. That’s why we’re called Faith in America. We believe this country will afford everybody the opportunity.”

In his speech earlier, as he has done in public settings in the past including when he gave the GOP response to Democrat President Joe Biden’s 2021 address to a joint session of Congress, Scott hammered the Democrat claims that America is a racist country. He also laid out how Democrats and leftists have regularly attacked him with racist epithets over the years, but the reason why he believes they come after him on this front is because his personal story undercuts their narrative of victimhood…


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