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Athletes break out in rashes, fever after Tough Mudder race

By Chris Pandolfo


The Sonoma County Department of Health Services warned the infection could be Aeromonas…

California health officials have issued an advisory after several people who participated in a Tough Mudder race last weekend got sick.

Nearly two dozen people who ran in the Tough Mudder challenge at Sonoma Raceway on August 19 and 20 developed rashes with fever and reported muscle pain or nausea and vomiting, according to the Sonoma County Department of Health Services.

“The Tough Mudder race involved extensive skin exposure to mud. Most affected persons have pustular rash, fever, myalgias, and headache,” health officials said. “These symptoms could be indicative of a minor illness called Swimmers’ Itch, but they can also indicate a Staph infection or other more serious bacterial infection such as Aeromonas…


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