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Hillary Says She Views ‘Black Lives Matter’ As A ‘Very Profoundly Theological Statement’

By Martin Walsh

Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton just can’t seem to stay out of politics after her embarrassing defeat to President Donald Trump in 2016.

In an episode of her new podcast, Clinton said she views “Black Lives Matter” as a “theological” statement.

While speaking with Rev. William J. Barber, a supporter of the “Black Lives Matter” movement and co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, Clinton explained her thoughts on the phrase.

“When you think about the very concerted effort by one specific political party to basically own Christianity … it overlooks the role of the African American church, it overlooks, as you say, a lot of theology, a lot of history, it also overlooks this moment in time,” Clinton said.

“‘Black Lives Matter,’ I view as, you know, very profoundly a theological statement,” she added.

This is the second time recently where Clinton has gone public on a major issue.

Appearing on MSNBC last week, Clinton said that Democrats should use “every tool at their disposal,” to stop the filling of the Supreme Court seat following the tragic death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

“Mitch McConnell cares only about one thing and that’s power,” she said. “He cares about literally nothing else. And, of course, he’s going to do everything he can to fill that seat.”

She said her death is “a real threat to the steady march toward progress that we need to continue. This is the 100th year of the anniversary of women getting the right to vote. It took, you know, many more years before there were legislative protections for women of color, and we’re still fighting those battles.”

And then she had her meltdown.

“The Democrats who are in the Senate will have to use every single possible maneuver that is available to them to make it clear that they are not going to permit Mitch McConnell to enact the greatest travesty, the monument to hypocrisy that would arise from him attempting to fill this position,” she said to host Rachel Maddow.

“It’s also a reminder that she stood on the side of moving us towards a perfect union and really underscoring equality, not just for women but for every American, and I don’t want to see that legacy ripped up by political hypocrisy coming from Mitch McConnell,” she said.

“I would argue on the underlying original intent of the Constitution and the founders that presidents have the right to appoint judges, to fill vacancies, and Mitch McConnell denied Barack Obama that right,” she said. “That set in motion a series of events that I think did great damage to the Senate that can only be remedied by removing Mitch McConnell as the leader of the Senate.”


Hello, pot? Meet Kettle.

How can she, of all people on this Earth, accuse someone else of only being concerned about power?

Clinton and her husband have devoted their entire lives to obtaining and maintaining power.

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