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How The Puritans And Oliver Cromwell Tried And Failed To Banish Christmas

(History Collection) Every year at this time, we see headlines about an ongoing “War on Christmas” being waged by the Jews and their minions on “radical Left” — and while there is certainly truth to that contention, the first real “war” against the celebration of Christmas was waged in England by the Puritans and their blood-thirsty stooge, Oliver Cromwell:

“By the early 17th century, Christmas was one of the most important feasts in the English Calendar. It was a joyous occasion, when, for a twelve-day period, men and women marked the birth of Christ with religious observances – and ancient pastimes, Churches held services to celebrate the birth of Christ decked in the same holly and ivy as private homes.

Once the religious rituals were over, people distributed Christmas boxes, to tradespeople, servants and the poor. Then they relaxed into the seasonal revels: playing sports and games, dancing, and eating and drinking seasonal favorites such as mince pies, plum pottage, and Christmas Ale.

Then, in 1642 the English Civil War broke out, and Christmas, as well as the King, found itself under attack from the Puritan parliamentarians. In staunch Parliamentary areas, Christmas day services ceased, and Christmas became like any other day, as shops remained open and business as usual occurred.

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