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U.S. Army Flight Surgeon Moves To Stop Biden’s Military Vaccine Mandate Citing Potential For Side Effects


Lt. Col. Theresa Long cited the potential for heart-related side effects in the affidavit

A senior army flight surgeon with specialized training in infectious diseases has filed an affidavit against the Biden regime’s vaccine mandate for active duty military personnel. Lt. Col. Theresa Long, a medical doctor and flight surgeon, argued that the risk for side effects — particularly heart-related issues — outweighs the benefits of having military pilots vaccinated.

Long is the surgeon responsible for certifying the fitness of 4,000 flight-ready airmen at the 1st Aviation Brigade at Ft. Rucker, Alabama. More recently, she functioned as a a medical and scientific advisor to an Aviation training Brigade seeking to identify risk mitigation strategies, and bio statistical analysis of COVID-19 infections in both vaccinated and unvaccinated soldiers. Long has argued that a vaccine mandate is nonsensical when evaluating risk versus any potential benefits.


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