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White House Claims They Are ‘Unfamiliar’ with ‘F*ck Joe Biden’ and ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Chants


A spokesman for the White House claims that the administration is “unfamiliar” with the popular “F*ck Joe Biden” or “Let’s Go Brandon” chants that have filled the halls of so many events in the past few months.

The two chants have been spreading like wildfire since the start of the college football season and an early October NASCAR race respectively.

But the White House is feigning ignorance of the persistent attack on their boss.

According to the Washington Post: “Administration officials sought to downplay the phenomenon, and at least one claimed to be unfamiliar with the ‘Let’s go Brandon’ chant or its cruder cousin, though they are now chanted everywhere from football stadiums to concert arenas to local bars.”


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One Comment

  1. Swordslinger Swordslinger October 26, 2021

    That can mean only one of two things… 1) they are totally out of touch with what is happening in the country or 2) they are damn liars and think we’re too stupid to know it…
    The “gas lighting” continues!

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